Advice, Ideas, and Comments...

Please feel free to comment on any and all things that I post. Post ideas, and advice. Ideas of what you might like to see on here. Create, Believe, and Express.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

When Writing Goes Awry.

The Troubles Of Writing A Book.
Some might think that writing a book is a simple thing to do. And for some it might be. But for me, it is no easy task. I have been "writing" a book for the last 5-6 years. It has not been easy. I have made pretty good progress, but my usual detailed, and vivid imagination has been lacking in the results of my book. I have reread and reread it, and I just can't seem to express in words what I see and feel how the story should go. I have so many ideas for this book, but honestly it's ending up being boring. There is nothing exciting to me in it so far. And I can't figure out how to add that little something that it desperately needs. I have a way with words often enough, but for the life of me, those witty statements/stories/remarks just will not pop out of my brain and into the dull lines of my sad attempt of a novel. I admit, there are a few lines in the book that I am proud of, but it just isn't enough to hold up a whole book. I would draw my inspiration from life experiences, but truth be told, I really don't have any. Over all for my book, I want it have a positive effect on those who will possibly read it in the future. I want them to feel the emotions from the characters that I often feel when I read a good book. Also, I want them to be able to see the story, not just read it. I will continue to work on it, and improve the lack luster descriptions and imagery. Good luck to everyone else that is writing, I hope that you have success in it.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Local Up-And-Coming Artist.

Scott Patrick Little.

Maggie Watkins.
Scott Patrick Little and Maggie Watkins are fantastically talented people. Scott is from my hometown and him mother was even my first grade teacher. Both Scott and Maggie have created beautiful music together and as solo artists. They are multi talented musicians who are making a name for themselves. I'm excited to have them performing at Mariposa's Relay For Life this year during the Luminaria ceremony, which I am co-chair of. 

I look forward to hearing more music from the both of them, and I wish them the best in the difficult business and world of music. But I believe they have what it takes to make it big. 
This is one of my favorite covers that they have done. :)  

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Relay For Life.

Mariposa Relay For Life 2013

Summer of 2012 I was asked by my best guy friend's sister, if I would be interested in joining our local Relay For Life Committee. I wasn't sure at first. I've never been to one, or really knew what it all entailed. All I knew was that it was an event to raise awareness and money for the fight against cancer. About a week after being asked, I gladly accepted. I went to my first ever Relay For Life committee meeting. I found that it consisted of survives, caregivers, people that have/had someone close to them with cancer, and people that just wanted help fight for a great cause. Everyone was so nice, and passionate about what Relay For Life is all about. I have been involved ever since that first meeting. I am co-chair of the Luminaria committee. Luminaria, I have learned is a huge part of the actual Relay For Life event. It is a the Remembrance part of Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back of Relay. It is a ceremony that starts at sundown. It's a time to remember those lost to cancer. It is quiet and subdued. There is poems spoken, somber songs sung, a moment of silence, and as the Luminaria bags with the dedications written on them are displayed around the track and lighting the way for the walkers to walk the lap around, names of people taken from this earth from cancer are read aloud. I look forward to this day, in May. I feel that it is a wonderful cause to support. I have known cancer survivors and close family friends that have lost the battle against this horrid desease. 

In the last several months, I have gotten to know the other committee members better, and have become good friends with a couple of them. We as a group, a community, and fighters, have been busy raising money, and fighting back. Other than our monthly meetings, we've done a Relay Rally, which helps educate our community about what Relay For Life is all about. We've even went to Selma, California for a Relay For Life Summit. There, committees from all over the state join to learn, celebrate, and come together as one union to help the battle against cancer. There were more people than I expected. Had to have been a few hundred people there, give or take. The festivities were enjoyable, and uplifting. Music was playing, baked goods being auctioned off, raffles, car decorating contest (which my local committee won) and stories were shared with everyone, that told the journey of those who have fought the fight, that lived through it, and of those who sadly lost the fight. It was a great experience going and being involved in such a large function. 

For the first time ever, a few of the committee members for Mariposa, arranged a fundraiser that included pictures with Santa Claus. My committee came together and worked hard at creating a Christmas living room scene, for people to bring in their children and/or pets to have their pictures taken with Santa Claus. Members not only volunteered their time to help with the three weekend long event, but we donated supplies to bring life to an empty donated space. The turn out was amazing, and so much so, that we want it to be a yearly activity. Also during this time, our town had it's annual Christmas Light Parade. Relay For Life once again came together and constructed a beautiful float. Our float won 1st in Best Float, and 2nd Overall. It was, again, a great experience to be a part of. 

Now that Valentine's Day is approaching, my local Relay For Life Committee is forming another fundraiser. We are putting together flowers and selling them as Valentine's gifts. We also have Paint The Town Purple coming up in the beginning of May, The Butterfly Parade in May, and than May 18th and 19th is when our Relay For Life Event takes place. I look forward to each and every event, get together, meeting, and experience. It is an amazing feeling, knowing that you are helping such an important cause. I am proud to call myself a Purple Fighter, Relay For Life Member, and volunteer.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Suit Case Cake

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, so I brought you probably my favorite cake that I have make thus far. My best guy friend and his new wife were coming over for a BBQ before they moved out of state to further their college education and start their new lives together. So I decided to make them a going away cake. The whole thing is make from scratch. Chocolate cake, butter cream frosting, and marshmallow fondant. I pondered over what I wanted the cake to look like. They are very into history, but I didn't know how to portray it in a cake. They are also into Greece and Italy, and sense it was a going away cake, I figured that I would make the cake look like a suit case, and so I add to suit case stickers that looked like the Italian and Greek flag. Although it took me hours to make, I was very please on how it turned out. It looked great and taste great also.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Cake

I made this cake for Easter. I wanted to do something that would not only work for Easter but Spring also. I haven't been able to  really master the skill of homemade frosting, so with this cake I just went and bought frosting. I used strawberry mist frosting, and cream cheese frosting for the decorations. The cake is a yellow cake, made by scratch, and I also made homemade marshmallow fondant. 

Yellow Cake:

What you will need:

  • 2 Cups All-Purpose Flour.
  • 4 Tsp. Baking Powder.
  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt.
  • 1 1/2 Cups Sugar.
  • 1/2 Cup Butter, Softened.
  • 1 Cup Milk.
  • 1 Tsp. Vanilla.
  • 3 Eggs.
 How to make:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour cake pan. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together in large mixing bowl. Stir in sugar. Add butter, milk, and vanilla; beat with electric mixer at low speed for 30 seconds. Beat at medium speed for 2 minutes. Add eggs; beat for 2 minutes. Pour into prepared cake pan and bake for about 30 minutes. Give or take. I like to check on it half way through, and turn it. Cake is done when you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean. Let cool completely before frosting and decorating. I prefer to put it in the freezer. It speeds up the cooling process and it is easier to work with.

Marshmallow Fondant:

What you will need:

  • 1 8 Oz. Package Mini Marshmallows.
  • 4 Cups Powdered Sugar. 
  • 2 Tbs. Water.
  • Food Coloring (your choice, I used violet for the fondant, golden yellow, and leaf green in the cheese cream frosting.)
How you make it:

Place pot on stove. Pour water, and mini marshmallows in pot. Using medium heat, melt marshmallows, stirring constantly, making sure that the marshmallows aren't burning or sticking. Once there are no more lumps in the melted marshmallows, remove from heat, and pour into a medium to large mixing bowl. You can add you food coloring for the fondant in at this time. Then mix in the powdered sugar a little at a time. I usually have to use my hands shortly after adding the powdered sugar, by kneading it like dough. Once it is not sticky any more, roll into ball, wrap with plastic wrap, place in fridge and let sit for about 2 hours. Once it has sat, have a prepared area for when you start to roll out the fondant. I use wax paper, and extra powdered sugar to make sure it doesn't stick when rolling out. Decorate the cake as you please.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Coffee Chocolate Cupcakes w/ Bailey's Irish Cream Frosting.

This was the first time that I used this recipe for both the cupcake batter and the frosting. Now this recipe has alcohol in it, and shouldn't be given to anyone underage of course. But I wouldn't see any problem with substituting the Bailey's Irish Cream (I used Duggan's Irish Cream, it was about $5 cheaper, but with the same outcome.) for the Bailey's Irish Cream Coffee Creamer, which has no alcohol in it. I wasn't thrilled with the outcome of the frosting, but then again I don't usually drink, and dislike the taste of the alcohol. I found this recipe off of the same website of the banana cupcakes, and the apple cupcakes that I have on my blog on the left side. Of let's get this going.

What you will need:


  • 1 Stick Butter.
  • 4 Cups Powered Sugar.
  • 1/4 Cups Bailey's Irish Cream (or coffee creamer for no alcohol, or Duggan's (off brand)).
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla.
  • 1 tbsp. Milk.
  • 2 tbsp. Coffee.

  • 1/2 tsp. Baking Soda.
  • 1/4 Cup Buttermilk.
  • 3 Heaping tbsp. Cocoa Powder.
  • 1 Stick Butter.
  • 1/2 Coffee.
  • 1 Cup Sugar.
  • 1 Cup Flour.
  • 1/4 tsp. Salt.
  • 1 Egg.
  • 1/2 tsp. Vanilla.
Directions for Cupcakes: In small bowl, dissolve baking soda is room temperature buttermilk. In a sauce pan, on low heat, melt butter, and add cocoa. Mix til smooth. Add coffee to the cocoa mixture, then remove from heat. In another bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, and the salt. Add the cocoa mixture and egg to the flour mixture, and beat at low speed. Add the buttermilk mixture, and vanilla, beat until smooth. Preheat over to 350 degrees, bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Directions for Frosting: Beat all ingredients together until smooth. Spread onto cupcakes. 

Hope it turns out good, and you enjoy it. Happy Valentine's Day.

Cupcake #24

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blackberry Pie Crumble.

I found this recipe from and I couldn't resist. This was my first time making something like this, and I have to say, it turned out AMAZING. I followed the recipe from the website that I found it from almost exactly, but I did change one ingredient, and sense I don't have a food processor I used a pastry cutter, and my hands for the crust. I made sure that my hands were clean of course. It just made it a whole lot easier to combine the crust ingredients.

Things that you'll need:

Crust and Topping:

  1. 3 cups all-purpose flour
  2. 1 1/2 cups sugar
  3. 1/4 tsp salt
  4. 1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) unsalted butter, chilled

  1. 4 large eggs
  2. 2 cups sugar
  3. 1 cup sour cream
  4. 3/4 cup flour
  5. pinch salt
  6. zest of 1/2 lemon
  7. 1 tsp almond extract ( I used Vanilla extract.)
  8. 2 (16-oz) packages frozen blackberries, thawed and drained
To make the crust and topping, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a 9x13 inch baking pan.

Combine the flour, sugar, and salt in the bowl of a food processor (large mixing bowl).  Pulse a few times to mix (or use pastry cutter to mix together).  Cut the butter into 1/2-inch cubes, and add to the flour mixture.  Process until the butter is evenly distributed but the mixture is still crumbly, 30-60 seconds (or use pastry cutter/hands to cut in butter).

Reserve 1 1/2 cups of the mixture to use as the topping.  Press the remaining mixture into the bottom of the pan, and bake 12-15 minutes.  Cool for at least 10 minutes.

To make the filling, whisk the eggs in a large bowl, then add the sugar, sour cream, flour, salt, lemon zest, and almond extract.  Gently fold in the berries and spoon the mixture over the crust.  Sprinkle the remaining flour mixture evenly over the filling, and bake 45 to 55 minutes.

Cool at least 1 hour before cutting into bars, or scoop out of the pan to serve cobbler-style.

I enjoyed it very much, and I would make this again, and possibly use other fruits. I would consider using apple pie filling, peaches, cherry pie filling, or some other yummy fruit. I hope this turns out as good as it did for me as it did for you.